The IGNITE project launch in Cameroon and Ethiopia: a collaborative effort to ensure adolescent girls’ access to education

A series of launch events will take place in some of the countries where the project will be implemented. The aim is to provide visibility to the project and connect with the work of civil society organizations and adolescent girls through localized multi-stakeholder partnerships.
The IGNITE team, with the critical support of the IRC Cameroon team, successfully launched the project in Yaoundé on Thursday, 22nd February 2024, in an event which brought together IGNITE Project Director and Adolescent Girls Specialist and our partner Urgent Action Fund Africa with government officials, the AFD Country Representative, Donors, INGOS, feminist civil society organizations and local CSOs.
The launch event in Cameroon was followed by the launch event in Ethiopia which took place in Addis Ababa on Wednesday, 24th April. Thanks to the invaluable support of the IRC Ethiopia team, the launch event in Ethiopia gathered government officials, IGNITE partner organizations, and civil society organizations.

“IGNITE seeks to change the social norms that negatively impact girls’ safety and access to education through supporting local, feminist organizations and networks,” explained Emily Jacquard, IGNITE Project Director.

IGNITE project event launch in Ethiopia. Source: Ethiopian Reporter.

Both events received wide media coverage and offered a unique space where all participants could exchange ideas on future collaborations and discuss the importance of joining forces to influence the social norms that prevent adolescent girls from accessing quality education.

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